How To Save Articles In The NewsFeed for Desktop

On the Doximity Website, you can now save your favorite articles to read later.


How To Save An Article:

  • Login to your Doximity account in your web browser
  • Scroll through the newsfeed on the home page to find an article you wish to save
  • On the article, you wish to save, select the 'flag' icon located at the bottom left corner

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  • The selected flag will turn grey and a confirmation message will appear in the bottom left of the screen to confirm the article has been saved


  • To remove an article from the saved feature, simply select the grey flag next to the article title. The flag will turn white and upon refresh, the article will be removed from your saved items feed


How To Access Saved Articles:

  • Articles that you've saved can be accessed from your 'Saved Items'
  • 'Saved Items' is located at the top left-hand side of the news feed


  • Select 'Saved Items' to access your customized feed of articles you have saved

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  • To remove an article from your Saved Items simply select the grey flag at the bottom left corner. The flag will turn white and upon refresh, the article will be removed from your saved items feed

To save articles in the app, click HERE.

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