How to Select Doximity to be the Default App when Making a Phone Call (Android)

You can now call a patient's phone number from a text or email that you have received.

With Call Select set up for Doximity, when you receive a phone number within a text message or email, tap that phone number, and you will see a menu of options appear.

Tap on the option that says 'Doximity', and this will place the phone call for you within the Dialer feature in the app:


In order to set up Call Select:

Go to Settings, and select 'Apps'  then Select 'Doximity': 


Select 'Advanced':


Select 'Open by Default':


And Select 'Open Supported Links':


 Finally, select the option 'Ask Every Time':


Now, when you tap a phone number, an option will appear for you to make a call through Doximity Dialer. Just Select Doximity from that menu:


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