How to get Verified on Doximity

We verify all of our members to make sure they are practicing US healthcare professionals.


We try to get all users to become verified when they register.  If your profile has not been verified, you cannot use any of the features we offer in the Doximity Network.

You will see an ORANGE bar across the top of your screen on the Doximity Website and App reporting this...

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 10.49.07 AM.png

Tap on the 'Get Verified' button to go to this link:


To verify your account, please complete the following two steps:


1.)  Submit your professional email address so we can verify your account.

NOTE: You must have access to this email address to complete your verification.


2.)  Verify your identity with a government-issued ID


Completing these two steps will allow you to get verified.


If you run into trouble, please reach out to:


NOTE: We cannot accept a screenshot, photo, or other documentation from a publicly available source for verification. 

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