Purchasing Bulk Discounts

Doximity members or their office staff can purchase Dialer Pro licenses. The purchaser does not need to be a Doximity member.

However, each subscription must be associated with a verified Doximity member account. 


As of 2021 bulk pricing is as follows: 

  • 6-10 licenses: 10% discount
  • 11-20 licenses: 15% discount
  • 21+ licenses: 20% discount

Please note, bulk discounts will be automatically applied as you purchase. 


If you opt-out, you will no longer have access to the Dialer Pro feature once the year has ended.


If you plan on purchasing multiple license codes, please send all of your inquiries to dialerbulk@doximity.com. For multi-license purchases, the purchaser will be responsible for allocating the licenses to healthcare professionals in your facility.


If you have a question about license allocation or who has activated a license, feel free to reach us at dialerpro@doximity.com.

Have more questions? Submit a request

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