Setting Up Dialer

You need to be a verified, registered member of Doximity in order to access Dialer. If you are not, please use the following links first: 

Please note: Dialer access for Nurses, Social Workers, and Other Healthcare Professionals is available through Dialer Pro. Upon setup completion, you will automatically be placed into a Free Trial of 20 calls. After the Free Trial, a Pro subscription is needed to unlock access to Dialer. You can subscribe here.


Setting Up Dialer 

Dialer requires you have the Doximity mobile app. Please download it and sign in.

Step-by-Step Instructions 

1) Once you sign in, tap the Dialer icon (icon.png) near the bottom of your screen

2) Tap the blue 'Set Up Dialer' or 'LINK MY PHONE' button on the pop-up.

3) Enter your mobile number

4) Tap the blue 'Send Verification Code' or 'DONE' button

5) Enter the 4-digit verification code texted to your mobile number. If you do not receive the verification code, tap on 'Resend Verification Code', 'Didn't get a text?' or 'CANNOT RECIEVE TEXTS'.

By tapping on 'Didn't get a text?', you will be prompted to 'Call +1 (415)-xxx-xxxx'. This is an automated call, the last 6 digits on the number are used for verification purposes.

By tapping on 'CANNOT RECIEVE TEXTS', you will be prompted to the next screen.

Next, follow the prompts to complete the dialer setup.


Have other questions on Dialer?  Click here: Dialer FAQ

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